High-Yield World Investments Capital (HYWI Capital) is a financial and business consulting firm that specializes in helping businesses in their early stages of development. We focus on commercial real estate projects, mining, manufacturing, hi-tech start-ups, and other ventures in various areas.
How we help?
Early-stage projects are often the most risky part of a venture. Entrepreneurs may find it difficult to secure initial funding to get their venture off the ground. Institutional investors and banks have strict conditions that cannot be satisfied by projects at early stages. Private investors, on the other hand, could tolerate higher risk. However, they conduct extensive due-diligence processes to reduce the risk of investments in early-stage projects. The process usually takes a substantial amount of capital, time, and effort. At the end, it is still not guaranteed that investments will be safe and the project could never take off.
HYWI Capital:
1. Connects right investors with right projects
2. Provides risk protection for invested funds
What we do?
HYWI Capital analyses proposal for a new project, identifies potential investors who would provide funds, and setup investment structure, appropriate guarantees and insurances for each specific type of projects. After equity investment is provided, HYWI could arrange additional debt financing. This approach allows entrepreneurs to secure up to 90% of total required funds at very reasonable cost. Investors have high-yield return with piece of mind of safe investments.